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Digitalizing Training and Certification Management with RelyOn Nutec's Business Portal

In today's fast-paced business environment, staying up-to-date with the latest industry standards and certifications is crucial. For companies in safety-critical industries, ensuring that their employees receive proper training and certification is not just a legal requirement but also a matter of safety. This is where RelyOn Nutec's Business Portal comes into play.

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16. October 2023

What is Business Portal

Business Portal offers an array of benefits that make navigating the world of training and certification management easier, as the digital platform entails numerous smart and practical features to make the booking process as smooth as possible. The dashboard provides a quick and simple overview of favorite courses, allows you to search the entire course offer library, and makes it easy to navigate the portal. In the course library, you can browse our full offer of safety courses, ensuring that you find the right courses for your organization. It offers filter functions to make finding courses quicker, an easy overview of available dates, and the option to book a course straight from the library. With Business Portal, you can manage your course bookings entirely online, reducing paperwork and administrative hassles. Hereby, the platform offers consolidated invoicing for all bookings, making it easier to keep track of training expenses via streamlined invoicing.

Additionally, the portal offers an overview of all training certificates to make it simpler for you to ensure your organization’s compliance by providing simple overviews of training certificates and according expiry dates. Moreover, Business Portal will make it easier to manage employees, as it enables you to keep track of individual training status and makes it simpler to add or delete employees from the portal. Additionally, the portal has many customizable settings like default language and location, individual staff ids, booking confirmations, and others to help better integrate the new tool into your existing training management practices.

BP - Certificate History 2

Efficient Training and Certification
Management with Business Portal

Business Portal redefines training management with its seamless and efficient approach and design. Within the portal, training managers and administrators can effortlessly oversee the entire training process. Assigning courses to learners and monitoring their progress becomes a straightforward task. By centralizing all relevant documentation, Business Portal simplifies accessing certificates, ensuring compliance and documentation are always up-to-date. The portal also offers the advantage of customization, allowing users to save specific filters when searching for courses, creating a tailored experience that aligns perfectly with organizational goals. With its user-centric design and robust features, the Business Portal empowers training managers to optimize their training programs efficiently and effectively.

BP Offering
In the realm of certification management, Business Portal offers a powerful tool. It simplifies the often complex and time-consuming task of managing certificates for employees and teams. With a centralized repository, you can effortlessly access and track all certificates, ensuring compliance with industry standards and regulations. This centralized approach not only enhances organizational efficiency but also reduces the risk of missing or expired certifications. Training administrators can easily verify and validate certificates, making audits and reporting simpler. Moreover, the portal's user-friendly design allows for a seamless experience, where certifications can be retrieved and managed with ease. By placing certification management at your fingertips, the Business Portal empowers organizations to maintain a comprehensive and up-to-date record of qualifications, contributing to a culture of safety, compliance, and excellence.

Why Use Business Portal

With Business Portal, you gain access to RelyOn Nutec's entire training portfolio, ranging from on-site training to blended learning and adaptive elearningdigital courses. Additionally, our ongoing partnership with users to continually refine and enhance the portal makes it even more efficient and user-friendly. One of the standout features of Business Portal is that it's not a one-size-fits-all solution. Instead, it's been meticulously developed in close collaboration with our customers. This collaborative approach ensures that the portal is tailored to the specific needs and preferences of the users. Furthermore, Business Portal offers:

  • Operational Efficiency: The portal facilitates the assignment of courses to learners, offers tools to monitor their progress, and provides streamlined access to certificates - all in one cohesive platform.
  • Tailored Experience: By saving specific settings and filters, Business Portal saves valuable time when, for example, searching for courses. The customizable portal allows users to effortlessly find and manage the training programs vital to the individual organization.
  • User-Centric Design: As the portal is refined by real-world feedback, it boasts an optimized booking process, a dashboard for favorited courses, advanced search capabilities, and an improved re-scheduling flow for increased efficiency and flexibility.


Business Portal is a catalyst for transformation in training and certification management. By simplifying the process of course bookings and certificate management, it empowers organizations to efficiently allocate resources and ensures their workforce remains prepared for the challenges of a dynamic world. Rooted in a commitment to continuous improvement and a user-centric ethos, it emerges as a pivotal digital tool in the arsenal of organizations seeking excellence in training and certification management. If you wish to learn more about Business Portal, you can visit our website here.

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