Awareness and Prevention Notice (Novel Coronavirus)
Awareness and Prevention Notice (Covid-19) – IMPORTANT
The unfortunate spread of the Covid-19 infection is of concern to us all and we have for health and safety reasons implemented a number of precautions in this respect. The precautionary measures are implemented for the safety of you, your colleagues and your families.
Therefore, we kindly request all of our delegates to complete and return an Awareness and Prevention Form upon arrival at the training centre confirming (1) no coronavirus symptoms (eg fever, cold, cough), (2) no coronavirus symptoms within the last 48 hours (3) no contact with persons infected or suspected to be infected with Covid-19 and (4) no travel to any prohibited locations as per guidelines of the national authorities.*
If you are unable to confirm the above, then you will not be able to participate in the course and will need to reschedule. Please contact the training centre if you have any questions or if you are not able to confirm the above.
We will continue to monitor the situation closely and may implement further health and safety measures if deemed appropriate.
In order to further attempt to mitigate the implication on the employees, delegates and the business we have decided to implement the following further precautionary measures:
Entering our facilities:
- All staff, customers and visitors must comply with the requirements for entry, failure to comply means no entry:
- No display of coronavirus symptoms (fever, cold, cough) within the last 48 hours
- No known exposure to persons suspected to be infected with Covid-19.
- No travel to or from any prohibited locations as per guidelines of the national authorities.
- An awareness and prevention form must be signed.
- Temperature screening before entering the centre (process in place).
- Processes in place on how to handle if delegate does not comply with above.
In our facilities:
- All health authority hygiene precautions and advice are being followed.
- Antibacterial hand wash widely available.
- Handwashing/ Hygiene signage and reminders are in place (recommendations by WHO).
- Frequent delegate and employee communications occur at all locations.
- As much as possible as digital learning (approval from certification bodies).
- Follow national guidelines on social distancing, methodology and equipment.
- Follow certifying bodies guidelines on methodology, equipment and hygiene (eg OPITO, GWO, others).
Please follow the national recommendations in these areas:
- Travel.
- Quarantine.
- Social distancing.
- Food hygiene.
- Class sizes.
- Restrictions on courses/methodology/equipment.
National recommendations:
Trinidad and Tobago
United Arab Emirates
United Kingdom
United States of America - Louisiana and Texas