COVID-19 measures - Amsterdam and Rotterdam training centres remain open!
On Saturday the 18th of December, the government announced a lockdown, and many non-essential businesses must therefore close their doors. On the website of the Dutch government (Rijksoverheid), training centres are mentioned among the businesses that may remain open:
Locations for courses and training and theoretical and practical examinations are necessary for practising a profession and/or business.
Our training centres will continue to support our customers and their training needs. To work and act safely in the event of incidents, professionals working in high-risk industries must maintain their safety-critical competencies as they are vital for society.
If you already have a training course scheduled, rest assured that it will continue along with all our scheduled courses. Please get in touch with us if you need any additional training courses via booking@nl.relyonnutec.com or +31 181 376 600.
Please be aware that there are no new dispensation arrangements in place from OPITO, NOGEPA, GWO or NSI. Therefore it's important to continue your training courses to keep your certificates valid.
In order to continue to offer a safe working and training environment, it is important to follow the measures set by the Dutch government:
- Wash your hands thoroughly and regularly.
- Stay 1.5 metres from others.
- If you have COVID-19 symptoms: stay at home and get tested as soon as possible. Even if you've been vaccinated.
- Ensure a good flow of fresh air indoors.
In addition, it remains mandatory to wear a face mask indoor at our training centres. The face mask may only be removed when sitting down. Even then, keep a distance of 1.5 metres. It is also possible to be tested at one of our training centres, as our staff have been trained and qualified to do so. If you would like to be tested at our training centre, please contact your account manager or business support department at +31 (0)181 376 600 or booking@nl.relyonnutec.com.
We continuously monitor the situation and will take additional measures when needed. If you have any questions, please get in touch with us.