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How to get started

On this page, we will introduce you to our business portal and explain how to get started using our platform.

Step 1 – Log in to Business Portal

The first thing you see when logging in to the business portal is your dashboard. From here, you can navigate to the different functions of our platform.

Step 2 – Checking your personal information and settings

When using the portal for the first time, you should head to settings and check the personal information.  By clicking on “view your details” in the top right you will be able to check the personal information and clicking on “account settings” on the bottom left will enable you to change the site language.

Step 3 – Viewing your courses

By clicking on the dashboard or the “courses” tab, you will be able to see the courses that have been assigned to you. You will be able to either view all or view them by type (classroom, e-learning, blended etc.). You will be able to see your booking ID should you require it, the course dates as well as the status. By clicking the yellow button you will be able to start your e-learning course or refresh your knowledge.

Step 4 – Communications

In the communications tab you will be able to see any e-mails sent out to you by the business portal.