Our approach to learning has been developed based on decades of experience training people in high risk industries, and keeps developing as customers, conditions and technology changes. At the core of our approach is the fundamental belief that learning also takes place outside the training facilities. Learning happens in the preparation, in the follow-up and when people return to their normal work environment.
The RelyOn Nutec approach to learning is built on five principles that guides how we run or training and development today, and how we innovate to keep delivering the world’s best safety and survival training tomorrow.
Continuous focus on improving learning efficiency and helping people optimise behaviour and performance.
Safety above all
Effective learning requires conditions, facilities and people you fully trust. This is especially true for our safety, survival and crisis management training, which is both physically and mentally demanding for the participants. We use experienced instructors and have the best facilities in the industry, because trusting that you are training under 100% safe conditions is paramount to learning.
Realistic and fully immersive training conditions
Preparing people to work safely in high risk potential industries, is not only about improving what they know, but also improving their understanding of how they react under extreme conditions and installing a safety mindset and culture. To do so, training must move “beyond-the-classroom” and expose participants to a realistic training experience. This is why our training centres are all equipped with real life facilities and equipment, to give participants a training experience as close as possible to the real thing.
Guided training and reflection
Equally important to the training drills, is participant preparation and guided reflection to process the experience afterwards. Development of new knowledge, skills and mindset happens in learning loops (prepare, drill, reflect). Whether putting out a gas fire or escaping a helicopter under water, our instructors emphasize the importance of preparation and reflection around the drill. This is why we use instructors with professional backgrounds, who know what they are talking about and have the experience to guide others through it.
Combine offsite, onsite and online learning
Most safety training takes place at an “offsite” training facility, we have 33 centres around the world. There are many good reasons for this, but it isn’t the only place where safety learning should take place. Learning should take place when people get back to their “onsite” work environment and put learnings to practice and “online on demand”, when they have the time and need. This is why we offer both offsite and onsite training solutions and use blended learning to maximise the training impact.
Measure for decision making
Safety training is about ensuring people are equipped with the right knowledge, skills, and mindset to prevent accidents and mitigate risk if something should happen. Beyond capability improvement, training offers a unique opportunity for individuals, teams and organisations to better understand their strengths and weaknesses. This is why we measure level of knowledge, skills and attitude before and after training, to give individuals concrete insights for decision making on how to improve. This is why we work closely with team leaders and managers onsite, to measure risk of incident from people errors and how to correct them. Measuring is our foundation for decision making.