“In 2019, Odfjell Drilling took the decision to refresh and update our Competence Management System. To assist us in this vital task we engaged with Relyon Nutec, who provided experts in this field. Together with our HR and Operations personnel, and Karen Bellu and her Competence team from Relyon Nutec, we have developed an industry leading Competence Management System whilst also refreshing our HR processes in line with this to provide a comprehensive system covering the entire employee life cycle, from recruitment and onboarding, through competence assurance, to employee development. This in my opinion shall provide huge benefits, not only to Odfjell Drilling’s business, but also to our employees to allow them to grow and develop their skill sets, and at the same time providing assurance to our current and future Clients that we provide the best people with the right competence in the right place”, Paul Ireland, VP Operations UK, Odfjell Drilling (UK) Ltd
Our client Odfjell Drilling (UK) Ltd, an international drilling contractor, well service and engineering company with 2000 employees and operations in more than 20 countries, approached RelyOn Nutec UK in 2019 with the request for support to improve their existing competence assurance system in response to internal review and client feedback. This commenced a comprehensive independent audit of the existing Competence Assurance Management System (CAMS), and a project to enhance CAMS into a fully integrated Competence Management System aligning with other internal HR processes.
RelyOn Nutec currently delivers to Odfjell Drilling, a global Training Management Service (TMS) from the UK and Norway, with Training Coordinators located in both countries providing full TMS support services covering:
- Matrix management / training compliance and system updates
- Course booking and administration
- Certification management
- Reporting
- Consolidated monthly invoicing
- Provision of proprietary training, compliance, competence management software application Rider
The topic of competence arose during the implementation phase of the TMS, where we learned that Odfjell Drilling were looking for a partner to support them to enhance their existing competence assurance process, to bring it up-to-date and in line with current recognised best practise in competence management, and to meet the expectations of their clients and other external bodies.
The current CAMS, which focuses on competence assurance of offshore drilling roles, has been accredited by IADC for some years. In 2019, IADC revised their Competence Assurance Accreditation criteria (CAA) and Odfjell Drilling chose to proactively address any discrepancies between their existing system and the revised criteria ahead of their next accreditation monitoring audit, due in 2021.
It was also recognised that in response to client feedback, updating the existing CAMS scheme would bring Odfjell Drilling to the next level in relation to recognised best practise in the demonstration of workforce competence, in aligning the competence assurance process with other internal HR processes.
Finally, Odfjell Drilling wanted their HR and competence assurance processes to operate as an integrated set of processes in order to work more efficiently for the benefit of the business, as well as to continue to satisfy their external requirements.
RelyOn Nutec carried out an initial audit of Odfjell Drilling’s current competence assurance process against the IADC Competence Assurance Accreditation (CAA) criteria, and separately audited the Recruitment, Promotion and Internal Transfer practices against internal procedures. We then produced a detailed report which identified findings, suggested recommendations and proposed key priorities. In early 2020 the work scope was awarded and carried out in two phases:
Phase 1 – Competence Assurance Process Revision
We reviewed both the competence assurance process and other internal HR processes in order to deliver seamless integration and to improve business performance.
Enhancement of the Competence Assurance Process
- We re-developed a number of offshore platform drilling role competence profiles, from Roughneck to Senior Toolpusher.
- We re-developed several onshore role competence profiles, including Rig Manager and Maintenance Supervisor.
- We re-designed the structure of the role competencies, defining clear capability measurables so that Assessors and Candidates were aware of what would be expected during assessments in order to demonstrate competence.
- We aligned the assurance of safety critical competence to the corporate risk assessment model and introduced a formal process for confirming ongoing competence.
- We introduced levels into the framework as a means for identifying minimum expected competence, and competency levels above and below to set out clear progression routes.
- We updated the assessment strategy, introducing a modern, holistic assessment approach focusing on assessment opportunities covering multiple competencies.
- We re-wrote the Competence Management procedure to reflect best practise, collating a number of separate documents into a single source comprehensive CAMS manual.
- We developed guidance documents for each of the different stakeholders in the process, including Candidates, Assessors and Internal Verifiers. Each guidance document derived from the master Competence Management procedure.
- We implemented an extensive programme of bespoke Assessor and Internal Verifier training, equipping 1st and 2nd line Supervisors with the required skills and knowledge to uphold the quality and consistency of the enhanced Odfjell Drilling CAMS scheme.
- We facilitated onshore stakeholder engagement sessions in order to ensure full support from the management teams.
- We held engagement sessions with all Assessors, Internal Verifiers and offshore employees, introducing the enhanced CAMS scheme and encouraging individuals to take ownership of their own competence progression.
Revision of HR Processes
In order to further support the Integrated Competence Management model, we were also asked to conduct a full audit of the following existing internal HR processes to ensure their effectiveness and rigor, as well as suitability for alignment to the newly enhanced competence assurance process:
- Recruitment
- Internal Transfer
- Promotion
- Induction and Familiarisation
- Contractor Competence
Following comprehensive review, we re-developed the above processes and documentation, incorporating the enhanced competence assurance process, providing Odfjell Drilling with a framework for effectively managing workforce competence throughout each stage of the employee lifecycle.
The following actions were implemented:
- The recruitment screening criteria was developed to align with the specific requirements of individual job role competencies.
- We clearly defined and developed the internal transfer and promotion processes to be objective and in accordance with the requirements of the enhanced competence assurance process. This ensured that individuals were moved based on achievement of safety critical competence demonstrated in their current role.
- We reviewed the site induction and rig familiarisation processes to determine their effectiveness, and to ensure they were incorporated into the overall integrated competence management model.
- We advised on the review of competence assurance processes of agency and 3rd party contractors, ensuring these met with the expectations and rigor of the enhanced CAMS scheme.
Phase 2 – Implementation and monitoring
We continue to work with Odfjell Drilling, implementing the enhanced CAMS to the offshore workforce and we shall provide ongoing support as requested through our involvement in periodic monitoring to ensure the effectiveness and overall compliance against the enhanced integrated processes. The implementation phase commenced with running a pilot of the enhanced scheme on one of their drilling rigs in the North Sea and included facilitation of engagement sessions for the Assessors, Internal Verifiers and those on the receiving end, the workers. We welcome the opportunity to continue to support Odfjell Drilling with the successful implementation of the enhanced CAMS scheme across each of their offshore locations.
In order for the CAMS scheme to be sustainable it is intended for Odfjell Drilling to manage the enhanced CAMS internally with external support provided from RelyOn Nutec, as required, to facilitate independent audits, ensuring that the integrated processes remain fit for purpose and effective for competence management and that the quality output is consistently maintained over time and across all locations.
The CAMS enhancement project has been developed, mindful of the flexibility required to respond to changing business needs and with potential for expansion to incorporate any specific competence assurance requirements of other business units in future.
Throughout the review, development and implementation phases of this comprehensive Competence Management Project we have delivered a number of benefits to our client. These include but are not limited to;
- Odfjell Drilling now operate a fully integrated Competence Management System (CMS) which encompasses all aspects of the employee lifecycle.
- The enhanced CAMS scheme is compliant with the IADC Industry recognised best practice under the Competence Assurance Accreditation scheme (CAA).
- Our client has a comprehensive and fully Integrated Competence Management System which not only satisfies the expectations of the regulators but also delivers above expectation to their clients, helping to secure contracts.
- Alignment of the current HR processes encourages employees to not only engage with, but also to take ownership of driving their own development and demonstration of competence throughout their career with the company.
- More effective resource management with clear indication of where both strengths and capability gaps lie, enabling focused training & development initiatives, which can result in cost savings.
This has been an extensive project and Odfjell Drilling now have the ‘gold standard’ in terms of a quality and robust integrated Competence Management System. As a client, Odfjell Drilling have remained fully invested throughout the different phases of the entire project, and as a result they will undoubtedly benefit from their integrated Competence Management System delivering tangible benefit to their business.
Odfjell Drilling have further decided to house and manage the CAMS process within the RelyOn Nutec bespoke electronic software platform; Rider. Rider is a purpose-built electronic competence, compliance, training and procedure management software application configured specifically to facilitate and report on all aspects of workplace competence, including the ability to facilitate at site assessment using intrinsically safe hand-held devices, enabling a truly modern approach to technology-based assessment techniques.
“We engaged the services of RON in 2019 to help us improve our Competence Management System for Odfjell Drilling Energy UK Ltd. Working predominantly with Karen Bellu and Greig Douglas who are subject matter experts, they have been pivotal in the company’s development of both the competence standards and improving the internal HR processes. I honestly believe that once we complete this extensive project our enhanced robust and fully integrated Competence Management System will be best in class.” Gail Farquhar, Business Partner, Operational Support UK (offshore), Odfjell Drilling (UK) Ltd.
As a global partner for safety critical industries, RelyOn Nutec have a range of solutions developed and delivered with the ultimate aim of improving safety across the workforce. From competence, crisis management and H&S consultancy services, to practical training, e-learning and simulations, our solutions, deliver operational efficiencies and cost savings across the board. For more information on how we can work with your business, contact your local RelyOn Nutec office.