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NR-37 | Safety and Health in Oil Rigs

The Regulatory Standard NR-37 (Safety and Health in Oil Rigs) was developed to reduce the number of accidents and occupational diseases, as well as contribute to preserve the marine environment and the integrity of the different platforms involved in this entire production process.



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NR-37: Safety and Health in Oil Rigs

The Regulatory Standard NR-37 (Safety and Health in Oil Rigs) was developed to reduce the number of accidents and occupational diseases, as well as contribute to preserve the marine environment and the integrity of the different platforms involved in this entire production process.

Since the beginning of its publication, RelyOn Nutec has developed an in-depth work on the training area and make sure that all the material developed would meet exactly any and all requirements of the standard, including consulting with Dr. Carlos Saliba for final validation. We crown this process on August 8th, 2019 by promoting a Workshop for our clients, with the aim of explaining, discussing, restraining doubts and presenting solutions to apply it to our reality.

Also in August 2019 we incorporated all the content that we had developed with the particularities presented by the clients in the Workshop and we have already our first NR-37 classes.

The fact that we were pioneers in the in-depth study and implementation of solutions that met the Standard, made us a reference in NR-37 consultancies and able to customise the training so that it would meet the legal prerequisites, surely. This includes the qualification of our body of instruction, our certificates, our attendance lists and all the NR’s administrative requirements.

Read the Regulatory Standard NR-37 in full here.

Within the Regulatory Standard RelyOn Nutec offers the courses listed below:

37.8.10 Training in Safety and Health at Work

All employees – except for mandatory committees, visitors, and exclusively administrative activities – must be trained according to NR-37 Before First time Offshore - 6h. Depending on your activities, employees are also trained for the NR-37 Basic – 4h and NR37 Advanced - 8h (if applicable).

These trainings are customised according to the risks presented on the platform where the workers will embark, and the practical part of the Advanced NR-37 training must be given on board.

Eventual NR37 trainings are developed on demand:

  • changes in the procedures, operating conditions or facilities of the platform
  • simultaneous risk operations
  • incident of great relevance or serious or fatal accident, in the installation itself or on other platforms
  • occupational disease that carries a serious injury to the physical integrity of the worker(s)
  • stop for the realisation of maintenance, repair or expansion campaigns carried out by the operator itself or by service providers
  • scheduled stop
  • commissioning, decommissioning or dismantling of the platform

RelyOn Nutec can assist its customers, from the elaboration of the scope of the NR-37 Eventual training, to the development of the material and the delivery of training to employees.

Professionals who will provide any training contemplated in this NR-37, must have an Instructor Training Course. We offer a course that has a high level of practical face-to-face activities to meet this requirement, with reference to the International Association of Oil and Gas Producers (IOGP), the Training course of Facilitators - 24h (Train-the-trainer).

37.10 CIPLAT

The elected members of CIPLAT must be trained according to NR37 CIPLAT - 20h.

37.18 Electrical Installations

Workers performing services in electrical installations energised with high voltage, must be trained according to Annex V, NR-37 - Complementary Course for Services in Electrical Installations in High Voltage - 16h.

37.20 Handling and Transporting Cargo

Employees involved in cargo handling should be qualified by course NR-37 - Basic Course of Safety in Cargo Handling Operations and Transportation of People - 20h and NR-37 - Complementary Course for Crane Operators - 20h for crane operators. The courses are oriented to the movement of loads in an offshore and dynamic environment.

The practical part of this training must be given on board.

37.29 Ionizing Radiation Protection

IOE should be trained in accordance with Annex VIII, NR-37 - Course for Occupationally Exposed to Ionizing Radiation Individuals - 16h.

37.30 Emergency Response Plan

Emergency response teams need to be trained according to the role each of their members will perform. For offshore Major Emergency Management teams, we provide a training program called MOME (Management of Major Emergencies), with intense days of simulation in an ultra-realistic Command Control room environment. There is also the possibility of carrying out this OPITO-certified program, entitled MEM IR (Major Emergency Management Initial Response).

Upon completion of this training program, RelyOn Nutec also conducts formal competency assessments for OIMs or professionals assigned to lead the on-board emergency response, certifying its clients of the professional's level of readiness, and/or their improvement needs (if any).

We highlight that RelyOn Nutec instructors were evaluated during the consulting and we have professionals 100% able to perform the trainings mentioned above. All have:

  • instructor training course
  • qualification or qualification in the theme, proven by diploma
  • experience of at least two years in the activity, evidenced by registering in the work card or specific contract in the area in question

RelyOn Nutec is also able to operate at operational and tactical levels to ensure an efficient implementation of NR37 training, such as:

  • Full time training
  • Training Management Services
  • RIDER Training Management Software, highly customisable and interconnected with RelyOn Nutec's scheduling system.

If you wish to hire one of our services or clarify any questions, please contact our commercial department:

Contact information

Rio de Janeiro

Av. das Américas, 7899, bloco B, salas 207/208, Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, 22793081, Brazil

+55 22 2105 3361

Opens in 12 hours and 16 minutes

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Alameda Jequitiba, 208, Bairro: Granja dos Cavaleiros, Macaé - RJ, 27930730, Brazil

+55 21 2018 1058

Opens in 12 hours and 16 minutes

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