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Lifeboat Coxswain

The person who steers a boat is called a coxswain. On offshore facilities, there must be personnel appointed coxswain of the lifeboats. In order to get that responsibility, you need an offshore lifeboat coxswain certificate. 

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Lifeboat Coxswain

The person who steers a boat is called a coxswain. On offshore facilities, there must be personnel appointed coxswain of the lifeboats. In order to get that responsibility, you need an offshore lifeboat coxswain certificate

To be in charge of a lifeboat means that an appointed person is in charge of getting the boat and crew to a safe harbor or point of rescue. In case of an emergency, that involves getting personnel into the lifeboats and navigating away from danger.

The coxswain plays a vital role in the operation and must be well equipped to handle the situation. An offshore lifeboat coxswain certificate will ensure that coxswain can meet the challenge. The responsibility includes tasks such as prepare and supervising of the launching of the lifeboat and a solid understanding and knowledge about communication in a crisis situations.

Who is this course for?

The offshore lifeboat coxswain course is aimed at personnel designated as lifeboat coxswains on offshore installations. The course will train staff assigned to work offshore when using a lifeboat is the mean of rescue. Delegates will also gain the knowledge and skills needed for being in charge of muster, launching, and departure from platform to a safe area.

What Will You Learn at an Offshore Lifeboat Coxswain Course?

The aim of the offshore lifeboat coxswain course is to equip delegates with the knowledge and skills required to perform the role of an Offshore Lifeboat Coxswain effectively. The objectives are:

  1. Delegates to fully understand the roles and responsibilities of the Offshore Lifeboat Coxswain
  2. Delegates to understand the working mechanisms of the lifeboat, and how to safely launch and maneuver the lifeboat to a safe area.
  3. Delegates to ensure that the safety of the passengers is maintained throughout.

The coxswain lifeboat certificate is valid for two years.

What are the Pre Course Requirements?

Attendance on this course is open to delegates who are in possession of a valid BOSIET with EBS, BOSIET with CA-EBS, TBOSIET, FOET with EBS, FOET with CAEBS or TFOET certificate.

Contact information


20 Orion Court, Dartmouth, NS, B2Y 4W6, Canada

+1 902 482 5558

Opens in 8 hours and 27 minutes

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Mount Pearl

35 Beclin Rd, Suite 101, Newfoundland, Mount Pearl, A1N 5G4, Canada

+1 709 703 0026

Opens in 7 hours and 57 minutes

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