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BOSIET | Basic Offshore Safety Induction and Emergency Training

A BOSIET course provides the necessary skills to handle a variety of emergency scenarios working offshore.

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BOSIET: Basic Offshore Safety Induction and Emergency Training

A BOSIET course provides the necessary skills to handle a variety of emergency scenarios working offshore

When working at offshore sites, basic training in how to deal with emergencies is a must. Legally as well as logically. Offshore facilities are often miles away from any means of rescue. Being able to handle yourself in such an environment demands the necessary skillset and know-how. In other words: a BOSIET course.

What is a BOSIET course?

In a Basic Offshore Safety Induction and Emergency Training course, you will acquire the necessary skills to handle a variety of emergency scenarios working offshore. BOSIET is a gateway course when it comes to offshore survival training courses. After completing a BOSIET course, more specialised and further emergency training courses can follow.

The training is targeted at people who already work at offshore facilities. Alternatively, they are new to the offshore workplace. In either case, the course will introduce you to basic knowledge about living and working in an offshore facility and expand your skills in handling dangerous situations.

During three days you will undergo training in general safety, escaping different types of places, sea survival, and firefighting.

Learning about general safety deals with all the necessary steps that an offshore worker is required to follow when working in a high-risk scenario. The most common danger scenarios will be covered, such as first aid and evacuation procedures.

Escaping from the various types of confined and irregular locations on an offshore facility is also an essential skill you will obtain on a BOSIET course. Boarding and general safety around a helicopter are some of the features on this part of the course.

Surviving at sea will teach you the necessary survival skills, if you need to abandon your platform or vessel, or for any other reason get submerged into the sea. To survive in high sea for an extended period you will need training and hands-on experience with the equipment involved in the process.

A BOSIET course is for both workers and personnel already working in an offshore environment and for people who have not yet begun working offshore. Different countries have several legal regulations and requirements. That makes it hard to pinpoint the people who will need BOSIET training. If in doubt you will need to ask a safety officer at your workplace to guide you to the correct course. In many cases, if you work offshore, BOSIET is required by state law and company policies.

What are the prerequisites for taking a BOSIET course?

The participants must be at least 16 years old. They need to be able to pass the tests during the course and pass medical exams before entering the course.

How long does a BOSIET certification last?

A BOSIET certification lasts four years. Make sure to complete the FOET which stands for Further Offshore Emergency Training, within those four years. It is a course which validates the certificate for a further four years. Otherwise, the BOSIET certificate expires after four years.

Is BOSIET mandatory?

Yes, for personnel working in an offshore setting it is very likely mandatory to get a BOSIET certificate. Remember that it is not only a legal concern. It is a matter of being able to handle yourself and your co-workers properly in a high-risk situation.

How can you validate a RelyOn Nutec BOSIET certificate?

Use the validation function.

What is the meaning of BOSIET?

BOSIET is an abbreviation. It stands for: Basic Offshore Safety Induction and Emergency Training. It is a rather long title for the certificate, so BOSIET has become the regular expression.

BOSIET Refresher (FOET)

When you already have the BOSIET certificate, it will last for four years. During that period you can opt for a Further Offshore Emergency Training (FOET) certificate. The BOSIET refresher (or FOET) is a lighter version of the BOSIET. It is a one-day course that will refresh the skills obtained in BOSIET. You will, among other things, update fundamental CPR abilities.

What is a FOET course?

A FOET course is short for Further Offshore Emergency Training. During a one-day course, you will update the skills and know-how from BOSIET.

Who should take a FOET course?

Workers on offshore sites are required to take the FOET course before the BOSIET certificate expires. That way you can take the refresher course which is only a one-day course. If you miss the deadline and fail to refresh the certificate, you will need a new Basic Offshore Safety Induction and Emergency Training.

BOSIET with CA-EBS (Compressed Air Emergency Breathing System)

This course aims to add to the student's initial safety knowledge and emergency response training and assessment travelling to an offshore facility by helicopter and is issued with a Compressed Air Emergency Breathing System (CA-EBS).

Who should take a BOSIET course with CA-EBS?

The CA-EBS add-on course is for personnel who will be issued a compressed air emergency breathing system (CA-EBS) while travelling offshore by helicopter.

What is a BOSIET course with CA-EBS?

An OPITO-approved BOSIET (Basic Offshore Safety Induction and Emergency Training) with Compressed Air Breathing System (CA-EBS) is a course which provides the students with know-how relevant to travelling offshore by helicopter and working offshore. The course includes safety assessment, fire safety and basic firefighting, first aid, using a CA-EBS, helicopter safety and escape, and survival at sea.

Who should take a BOSIET course with CA-EBS?

This course is created to meet offshore safety and emergency response requirements. It’s aimed at new or returning personnel traveling offshore by helicopter. And as part of the helicopter commute it will be supplied with a compressed air emergency breathing system (CA-EBS).


When working in tropical areas, personnel will need specific training related to that setting. This ensures that the particular challenges working in tropical regions are incorporated in the training and risk scenarios.

What is a T-BOSIET?

The acronym T-BOSIET stands for Tropical Basic Offshore Safety Induction & Emergency Training. The addition “tropical” is what sets this certificate apart from the regular BOSIET. Working in the tropics brings specific challenges when it comes to risk assessment and handling. This course equips personnel to handle risk in tropical regions of the world.

Who should take a T-BOSIET?

Like the regular BOSIET certificate, this course is for people new to the offshores workplace, for people returning, or who have not taken the refresher course within four years.

Summary - T-BOSIET vs BOSIET

The BOSIET course provides offshore workers with critical safety and emergency training. It is one of the major offshore survival training courses and basically a must for everybody working offshore. The T-BOSIET is a variation of the BOSIET course, adapted to fulfill the special requirements of tropical offshore workplaces.

Overview - The difference between the BOSIET courses

  • BOSIET (Basic Offshore Safety Induction and Emergency Training): is the basic training course by OPITO and often the basis for more specialised emergency training to follow
  • FOET (Further Offshore Emergency Training): is also known as the BOSIET refresher, the appropriate FOET course validates the certificate for another four years
  • HUET (Helicopter Underwater Escape Training): is an element also included in the practical part of the BOSIET course, so, therefore, the course is mainly aimed at individuals who do not require a full BOSIET course

Choosing the right course

There are differing variants of the BOSIET course: BOSIET with EBS, BOSIET with CAEBS or T-BOSIET. These are all dependant on where in the world you are working as to which breathing system (if any) you are required to fly with. To make sure you choose the correct course please contact your local RelyOn Nutec training provider.

Locations - find a BOSIET course near you

We offer the BOSIET course in many different locations, to make sure you find a training center closest to you. Our locations can be found in 16 countries, including Singapore, Denmark, the Netherlands, Germany, Thailand, Canada, the USA, Azerbaijan and more.

Contact information

Massachusetts Maritime Academy

101 Academy Drive, Buzzards Bay, 02532, United States of America

508 530 5005

Closes in 4 hours and 59 minutes

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2916 N University Ave, Lafayette LA, 70507, United States of America

+1 337 446 0964

Closes in 5 hours and 59 minutes

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15621 Blue Ash Drive, Suite 150, Houston, TX 77090, United States of America

+1 346 561 0936

Closes in 5 hours and 59 minutes

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209 Clendenning Road, Houma, LA 70363, United States of America

+1 985 333 9114

Closes in 5 hours and 59 minutes

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SUNY Maritime College

Maritime College #858, Pennyfield Ave, Bronx, 10465, United States of America

1 866 4049564