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NR-37 - Basic Training

Please find the full course description further down the page.

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  • Duration

    1 day

  • Course code


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Please make sure pre-requirements are met

Prerequisites: - Be more than 18 years old; - RG and CPF (brazilian); - Passport (expatriate);

NR-37 - Basic Training


Qualify workers by promoting a safety awareness approach to accident prevention on oil rigs, explaining procedures to be used in the offshore environment.

Target Group

Professionals that work on oil platforms, where their activities are totally or partially involved in the operations.


N/A Validity: 1 ano (De acordo com a NR-34) - O treinamento 1 year (According to NR-34) - Periodic training should have the minimum workload of 4 (four) hours and needs to be renewed annually or when the return of absence to work has a superior time above 90 (ninety) days. 5 years (According to NR-37) - The Recycling of the training mentioned on the must have the minimum workload of 4 (four) hours and it needs to be renewed every 5 (five) years or when it has been some changes on the risk analyses, describe on the subitem 37.22.7, or when the return of absence to work has a superior time above 90 (ninety) days.

Course Contents

1. Means and procedures to access the platform; 2. Environment and Working conditions; 3. Combustible and flammable substances present on board: characteristics, properties, hazards and risks; 4. Hazardous areas, ignition sources and their control; 5. Environmental risks in the platform operational area; 6. Safety measures available to control operational risks on board; 7. Other risks inherent to the workers’ specific activities and their control and elimination measures; 8. Psychosocial risks arising from various stressors such as long hours, shift and night work, addressing their effects on work and health activities; 9. Naturally or technologically enhanced radiation, when present; 10. Hazardous and explosive chemicals stored and handled on board; 11. Material Safety Data Sheet - MSDS; 12. Collective Protection Equipment - CPE; 13. Personal Protection Equipment - PPE; 14. Procedures to be adopted in emergency situations. Technical Reference: NR-6; NR-7; NR-9; NR-15; NR-30; NR-34; NR-37.