Simulation for lifting operations

Simulation for lifting operations
About our advanced dynamic simulator
User-friendly interface and unparalleled realism
Our Advanced Dynamic simulator-crane (ADS-crane) simulators provide high-quality 3D visualisation of port operations and offshore lifting operations. Our port crane simulators can simulate container and bulk terminal operations, and our offshore crane simulators create offshore lifting operations. All our crane simulators offer an unparalleled level of realism and a very user-friendly interface.
Key simulation features:
- Multiple cranes available
- Multiple offshore installations
- Multiple cargo/boat types
- Various containers, goods, and deck objects
- Adjustable environmental conditions like wave height, wind, rain, fog, and snow
- Simulated crane failure operations like hydraulic failure, power outage, broken cable, unexpected load drop, and much more
Benefits include:
- Compliments on-the-job training
- Reduce risk and improve operational safety in operations
- Reinforce the importance of critical drills
- Crane operator competence assessment and assurance
Lifting operations simulation training
Simulated operation training in a safe environment
As we roll out our fleet of simulators across our many training centres globally, you will have the opportunity to reassess your crane operators against various international standards.
Available courses include:
- Offshore Crane Operator Training (Stage 1)
- Offshore Crane Operator Training & Assessment (Stage 2)
- Offshore Crane Operator Re-assessment (Stage 2)
- Offshore Crane Operator Assessment (Stage 3)
- Offshore Crane Operator Re-assessment (Stage 3)
- Advanced Crane Training (Emergency)