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Tropical HUET with Shallow Water CA-EBS

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  • Duration

    1 day

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  • Price

    USD 856.00


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Tropical HUET with Shallow Water CA-EBS


The objectives of the T-HUET Training are that learners will be able to:

a) Demonstrate, in a simulated environment, that they can use the safety equipment, and follow procedures in preparing for, and during helicopter emergencies with particular focus on escaping from a helicopter following ditching.

b) Demonstrate sea survival techniques.

The objectives of the additional CA-EBS training delivered in conjunction with the T-HUET program are to:

a) Ensure learners are familiar with the use of the Compressed Air Emergency Breathing System (CAEBS)

b) Ensure that learners understand their basic emergency response actions during a helicopter emergency using the CA-EBS

Target Group

This Product is to meet the offshore safety and emergency response training requirements for personnel new (or returning) to the offshore oil and gas industry in a tropical environment and who require additional Compressed Air Emergency Breathing System (CA EBS) training.


No training prerequisites are required, however medical entry requirements must be met. Training activities contained within this Product may include physically demanding and potentially stressful elements. All personnel who participate in such activities must be capable of participating fully. Trainees will undergo a medical screening by completing an appropriate medical declaration form at center.


To achieve the T-HUET CA-EBS Training the learners will need to complete the 2 mandatory T-HUET units and the 1 CA-EBS mandatory unit.

Course Contents

The following topics will be covered during the course:

1. Helicopter Safety and Escape Training
2. Correct use of CA-EBS
3. Sea Survival
4. TEMPSC (Totally Enclosed Motor Propelled Survival Craft)

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