Hydrogen Sulphide Awareness (H2S)
4 hours
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Hydrogen Sulphide Awareness (H2S)
The aims and objectives of the training are to ensure that the delegate gains the required knowledge and understanding of the particular hazards and properties of H2S, and appropriate emergency response actions to take should a H2S related incident arise.
Target Group
The course is designed for personnel working in a location where Hydrogen Sulphide may be encountered, or in a contaminated H2S environment.
RelyOn Nutec approved certification for 'Hydrogen Sulphide Awareness (H2S)' will be issued on successful completion of the training programme. Validity is 3 years. Delegates should report to reception for 08.00hrs, course starts at 08.15hrs, unless otherwise stated.
Course Contents
The course focuses on the following elements: . H2S gas, its common names and where it is ordinarily found. . The physical properties and characteristics of H2S. . Common definitions; such as parts per million (ppm) . Measurement of the OEL/WEL of H2S. . The physiological effect of exposure to H2S. . How H2S is detected and the use of different types of detectors. . Actions to be take in the event of an alarm. . Pre-use check & operation of personal detection devices. . Donning & operating an Emergency Breathing Aparatus (EBA). . Connecting and disconnecting of Emergency Breathing Aparatus (EBA) from pressurized cascade breathing system.