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Medical Pandemic Awareness

Please find the full course description further down the page.

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  • Duration

    25 Minutes

  • Language

    Multiple Languages

  • Course code


  • Price

    USD 40.00

    & Excl. 18.00 % Tax

The course details are not available in Dutch, so we redirected you to the English version.

Medical Pandemic Awareness


LO1: Describe a?Medical Pandemic
LO2: Explain the difference between an endemic, epidemic and pandemic
LO3: Describe the possible symptoms of a pandemic disease
LO4: List recent pandemics
LO5: Explain the difference between viral and bacterial pandemics
LO6: Explain the chain of infection
LO7: Explain why it?s important to break the chain of infection
LO8: Describe appropriate controls to reduce?transmission
? Explain how to stay safe
? Hygiene advice
? Describe workplace controls to reduce?the spread of infection
LO9: Describe how to treat mild symptoms
? Describe self-isolation
? Explain what to do if you feel unwell
LO10: Explain high-risk groups in relation to a pandemic

Target Group

Oil & Gas Industry (Onshore & Offshore)


No prerequisites are required to sit this course.


The assessment is taken during the course and is within the expected duration.

Course Contents

The course is available in the following languages: English; Turkish
The aim of this course is to give you an awareness of medical pandemics, how they work and groups can respond to them.