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Travel Safely by Boat - Initial Training (OPITO 5605)

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  • Duration

    0.5 day

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  • Price

    EUR 390.00

    Excl. extras

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Travel Safely by Boat - Initial Training (OPITO 5605)


The training objectives related to the initial/supplementary training will include:

Initial training
- Awareness of the risks delegates are exposed to and how these are managed;
- An understanding of the essential safety rules to which they must comply and how to act in an emergency;
- An increase in their personal commitment to safety;
- Effective use of personal safety equipment;
- Practice and demonstrate correct method of boat transfers (simulated boat deck and installation).

Target Group

This programme is designed to meet the initial onshore safety and emergency response training for new entrants and all personnel currently travelling and transferring by boat to an offshore oil and gas installation.

The full Travel Safely by Boat (TSbB) training standard consists of an initial, a further and a supplementary training.


- Delegates who are in possession of a current BOSIET(with EBS), FOET(with EBS), HUET (with EBS), Tropical BOSIET, Tropical FOET, Tropical HUET, BOSIET (with CAEBS), HUET (with CA-EBS) or FOET (with CA-EBS) are not required to participate in practical life raft and in-water sea survival exercises.
- The supplementary training programme may be undertaken concurrently or consecutively with the Travel Safely by Boat Initial or Further Training programmes or at any time during the validity period of the current Travel Safely by Boat initial/further certificate.


Delegates will be assessed against the learning outcomes using direct observation and oral or written questioning.

Course Contents

Travel Safely by Boat
Outcome 1: Safe Boat Travel principles and practice
Outcome 2: Types of boat emergencies and actions to take
Outcome 3: Donning a flotation device and methods of transfer
Outcome 4: Actions in preparation for a boat emergency
Outcome 5: Actions in the event of an abandonment
Outcome 6: Survival techniques following an abandonment

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Opito Charges

Applicable in: Maasvlakte-Rotterdam

EUR 30.00

Excluding tax

Health, Safety and Administration Fee Per Day

Applicable in: Maasvlakte-Rotterdam

EUR 8.00

Excluding tax