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Job Safety Analysis (JSA)

Please find the full course description further down the page.

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  • Duration

    2 hours

  • Course code


  • Price

    Call for price


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Job Safety Analysis (JSA)


The objective of the Job Safety Analysis (JSA) is to prevent accidents by improving employee skills and awareness through an organized process. This process involves breaking down a particular job into a series of simple steps.

Target Group

Offshore/Onshore workers


The candidate will be required to score a minimum competency of 70% on a written exam. The candidate will also be required to create a JSA based on a given scenario.

Course Contents

The topics covered during this training are: - Regulatory requirements - Benefits of a Job Safety Analysis (JSA) - Basic elements of a JSA - Interviews and discussions - Identifying and evaluating potential hazards - Identifying control measures - Gathering evidence