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GWO Working at Height & Rescue Training - Wind Turbines Refresher

Please find the full course description further down the page.

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  • Duration

    1 Day

  • Course code


  • Price

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Please make sure pre-requirements are met

A valid RUK or GWO Working at Height and Rescue Certificate or a valid RUK or GWO Working at Height and Rescue Refresher Certificate Candidates should be medically fit and capable of working at height.

GWO Working at Height & Rescue Training - Wind Turbines Refresher


The aim of GWO Working at Height Refresher training is to teach delegates to support and care for themselves and others working in the industry by possessing Working at Height knowledge and skills.

Target Group

GWO Working at Height Refresher training is aimed at personnel who will be working in the wind industry or related fields and will have their duties in a wind turbine environment, usually in physical contact with a wind turbine or an offshore wind structure.


Upon completion of the course, delegates will be awarded with a GWO approved Working at Height Refresher certificate. Certification is valid for 2 years. Prior to expiry delegates must retake GWO Working at Height Training Refresher to remain certified.

Course Contents

Demonstrate knowledge of hazards and risks associated with working at heights, specific to a WTG Demonstrate understanding of current national legislation regarding working at heights. Demonstrate correct identification of PPE, including identification of European/Global standard markings e.g. harness, hard hat, lanyards, etc. Demonstrate the knowledge and skills to correctly inspect, service, store and don the relevant PPE, e.g. harness, lanyards, fall arresters and work positioning equipment. Demonstrate correct use of the relevant PPE, e.g. harnesses lanyards, fall arresters and work positioning equipment. This includes correct identification of anchor points and correct ladder conduct. Demonstrate correct use of evacuation devices. Demonstrate how to approach rescue situations in WTGs and use rescue equipment efficiently.