30 Minutes
Multiple Languages
Course code
USD 40.00
& Excl. 18.00 % Tax
Risk Management
LO1: Define risk assessment, hazards, controls and risks
LO2: Explain and describe the hierarchy of controls
LO3: Describe the concepts and techniques of risk assessment
LO4: Describe the steps of a typical risk assessment
LO5: Explain how to use a risk matrix
LO6: Describe additional elements of the risk assessment process
LO7: Explain how management of change can cause and prevent injury in the industry
LO8: Understand the purpose of risk intervention systems
LO9: Explain how to safely carry out an intervention
LO10: Explain the importance of reporting and lessons learned
Target Group
Oil & Gas Industry
No prerequisites are required to sit this course.
The assessment is taken during the course and is within the expected duration.
Course Contents
The course is available in the following languages: English; Norwegian; Turkish
A hazard is anything that has the potential to cause harm. This could mean harm to you or others, damage to property or harm to the environment. Risk is the likelihood of that harm occurring.
Contact information
Baku-Alyat Highway 46km, Azertrans Oil Terminal, Baku, AZ1082, Azerbaijan
Opens 8:00 AM on Monday
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