Lifting and crane operations

Lifting and crane operations
About lifting and crane operations
A safety critical operation requiring high-end skills
We offer world-leading crane training and advanced crane simulation technology, and decades of experience through our technical and lifting trainers and subject matter experts.
Safe lifting and crane operations form a critical part of many high-risk operations. As lifting, moving or securing loads pose a high risk of damage or injury, it is crucial that competence levels are high.
As safety critical process, lifting and crane operations must always be well planned, managed and performed by skilled and competent personnel. Organisations must ensure that personnel involved in lifting operations are fully trained and competent in their specific roles.
How we can help
World leading crane and lifting training and consultancy
Our subject matter experts and trainers have decades of experience working in environments where lifting and moving of loads occur at ports, in onboard construction sites and offshore environments. Our fully experienced trainers and subject matter experts have decades of experience operating in environments where lifting, moving and securing loads are high risk and common place. As the world’s leading training provider for high-risk industries, our track record and years of experience put us in the best place to to ensure the competence of your lifting and crane operation team. Our lifting and crane specialists have real operational experience working with multiple crane types across high-risk industries and understand the operational and procedural challenges that exist.
Using the very latest simulation technology, we can provide training at your location, on one of our simulators or at one of our global facilities. Additionally, our SMEs are available to provide consultancy helping organisations develop, maintain and review lift plans, overseeing lifting operations or assessing conditions for safe lifting operations.
Our training
We are able to offer a full range of technical training courses aimed at all skill levels, focused on ensuring competence within your lifting operations. From introductory level training for new hires, through to complex and emergency lift training on new equipment, our highly experienced lifting teams will ensure technical competence. Our role-specific training includes:- Banksman slingers/slinger signallers
- Riggers
- Crane operatives
From initial stage 1 training courses to competence re-assessments, we can progress trainees through every stage of their career, carefully monitoring their progress and ensuring their ability to carry out their specific roles in a safe and efficient manner, regardless of their level.
Our multistage and role-specific training portfolio meets national and international industry recognised standards (such as OPITO, ECITB, BS, API, Norsok). Furthermore, it can be designed to include company- specific policies or procedures. Our courses cover a vast range of topics, including:
- Roles and responsibilities
- Health and safety regulations and legislation
- Work hazards and PPE
- Risk assessments
- Selecting and maintaining the correct equipment
- Planning and carrying out lifting operations
- Communication
Training facilities & equipment
Delegates can use the advanced lifting facilities in our state-of-the-art training facilities, or courses can be delivered at your premises, or on- or offshore where trainees have the advantage of being familiar with the equipment in use. From crane training to Mobile Elevated Work Platforms (MEWP) to forklift and rigging, we cover every type of lifting equipment.Our state-of-the-art crane simulators (read more about our lifting simulation technology) can be set up to mimic any onshore, port, gantry or offshore crane allowing crane operators to train and be assessed in a safe onshore environment. These simulators can be programmed to simulate any crane set-up, lifting any specified load and can be utilised to run complex lifts or emergency scenarios that cannot be practiced in the workplace or on a mobile crane.
We have installed a number of advanced crane simulators in our facilities (read more about our simulation technology) which offer immersive and realistic training in a virtual world. Our simulators use dynamic and innovative technology to recreate highly realistic scenarios, including but not limited to:
- Multiple types of cranes
- Multiple offshore installations
- Multiple types of boats/cargo
- Diverse weather and environmental conditions – snow, rain, fog, precipitation, sea swell, shadows, high winds, etc.
- Emergency situations/ ‘what if’ scenarios – snapped cables, hydraulic failure, power outages
This is next-generation training that allows operatives to repeatedly practice complex lifts, respond to crisis events, and to assess and amend difficult lifts in the virtual world before carrying them out in the real world. Simulation training not only generates significant cost savings for our customers, it also delivers improved operational performance.