Operational risk assessment - Identify and evaluate major accident hazards and manage the measures and compliance

Operational risk assessment
About operational risk assessment
Identify and evaluate major accident hazards and manage the measures and compliance
The effective management of major accident hazards is an integral feature of safe operations on hazardous industry facilities.
The WorkSafe® operational risk assessment (ORA) module ensures that robust arrangements are in place to identify and evaluate major accident hazards (MAH), and to specify measures taken to ensure that major accident risks are controlled to ensure compliance with the relevant statutory provisions and to a level that is as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP).
Features and benefits
The operational risk assessment module consists of several features designed to help you optimise the underlying processes
Innovative management of abnormal operating conditions
Operational risk assessment (ORA) is a module for the management and control of abnormal operating conditions. The ORA module utilises innovative risk assessment techniques for evaluating and mitigating the risk of continuing to operate under abnormal operating conditions.Benefit: It allows the operator to determine whether it is safe to operate when an abnormal operating condition occurs.
Mitigation control measures
The WorkSafe® ORA allows the identification of:- What the normal operating conditions or case is
- What the existing abnormal operating condition is or that which may result from the operational change to be performed
- The mitigated case, its control measures and monitoring requirements
Benefit: It allows leadership to assess the risk and identify mitigation control measures that act as a bridge until the abnormal operating condition is removed (by isolating or shutting down the equipment, plant or if necessary the site), resolved or repaired, or approved as part of a permanent design change.
Regulatory compliance
The WorkSafe® ORA process meets all regulatory authority requirements.Benefit: It provides the operator with assurance that the system is robust and in line with the latest industry regulations.
Integrated approach to risk monitoring
The WorkSafe® ORA used in conjunction with other WorkSafe® modules allows our clients to monitor site-wide cumulative risk.Benefit: It is integrated with other key WorkSafe® control of work modules and therefore allows for more informed decision-making, as site leadership has full visibility of the actual residual risk if continuing to operate under the abnormal operating conditions.