FRC - Fast Rescue Craft (large boat) incl. Search & Rescue at night - Basic
Please find the full course description further down the page.
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5 days
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FRC - Fast Rescue Craft (large boat) incl. Search & Rescue at night - Basic
Upon completion of the kurs, delegates should: Staff, launch and operate a Large Fast Rescue Craft in a safe manner. Use relevant equipment on-board. Perform search and rescue, as well as perform first aid on injured personnel.
Target Group
Crew on fixed and floating installations who are converting to be part of the staff on the Fast Rescue Craft (large boat).
Practical and written exam.
Course Contents
Application of the boat Rules/Regulations/ chain of command Controlling the boat and equipment Duty and tasks of the crew before, during and after a mission with the fast rescue craft Procedures for launching and raising the boat Manouvering Search and search patterns in daylight and at night Coordinated rescue missions with ships or installments Introduction and training in the use of navigation equipment (radar, GPS, chartplotter) in daylight and at night Use of instruments in locating VHF emergency beacons and radartransponders. Correct method of collecting people from the sea. Use of transportable first aid equipment. Practical first aid. Transfer techniques to vessels or installations. Communications training (VHF/UHF)
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Opens in 10 hours and 29 minutes
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