Competence management

Competence management
About competence management
Keep your workforce fully competent at all times and make sure your competence framework remains relevant and up to date with global industry standards
Our competence management services can help with all aspects of keeping your workforce fully competent. Our competence management service ensures you develop the correct framework and maintain that framework in line with international standards. Our service makes sure your competence framework remains relevant and up to date with global industry standards. We can develop your full competence framework or improve your existing framework to be internationally accredited by an accreditation body of your choice.
Our network of subject matter experts (SMEs) help you develop or maintain job competence profiles in line with international industry requirements and standards. We can utilise our own accredited assessors and verifiers in support of customers or we can also help build internal capacity enabling the organisation to perform its own assessment requirements.
Main competence management services
- Support the design or development of your competence framework
- Support with achieving (international) accreditation
- Provision of SMEs to support your organisation with the design and development of job competence profiles
- Maintain job profiles, ensuring they remain relevant and up to date
- We can train your assessors and verifiers to internal or external standards
- Ongoing support oversees and continuously improves the deployment of your competence framework within your organisation
- Provide audit services and improvement plans on your existing competence framework
Market-leading competence management software application
Implementing our state-of-the-art competence management software application provides real-time visibility of the competence status of the workforce, supports pro-active planning of assessments and maintains and provides a full (historical) record of all assessments done, aligned to global accreditation body requirements. Applying technology to simplify and manage assessment, our dedicated assessment app works online and offline, providing a highly flexible and efficient method of assessments. The app includes the creation of image or video evidence and automatic updating of central records the instant the assessment is complete.Key features
- Dynamic design which is configurable to your competence framework requirements
- Fully integrated with our training management system and training delivery platform offering seamless access to training compliance, digital learning, assessments and booking via one portal
- Fully enabled online and offline assessments via a dedicated app
- Allow for individual self-assessment and portfolio building as well as assessor only
- Dedicated full assessment process, including verification
- Easy interfacing with your existing IT/HR Systems
- Provide highly efficient competence management process delivering cost savings of up to 40%
Why competence management
Expect the best from our best in class competence framework
A robust competence system will deliver real value to a business by not only satisfying the expectations of clients and regulators, but also providing a platform for continuous improvement.
In addition, a quality robust and sustainable competence management system will improve business performance and help to secure new contracts, therefore increasing an organisation’s revenue and potentially reducing corporate insurance premiums.
With our competence management service, we can:
- Provide you with SMEs for any aspect of your organisation
- Continuously support you with improvements to your framework and make sure your framework and profiles remain relevant and up to date with industry developments
- Support you with experienced assessors to perform assessments of your workforce or the verification of the assessment done
- Provide accredited training for your internal assessors and verifiers
- Support you with achieving accreditation for your competence management system
- Reduce your spend on assessments by 40% while giving you a real-time overview of the competence status of your workforce at all times