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Business Essentials Courses

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Get 50% off until end of July 2024 using the code BizEssentials-50

What does the future of corporate learning look like?

Our Business Essentials portfolio can be completed anywhere, at any time, ensuring that you get trained to operate safely, efficiently and in accordance with legal requirements, wherever in the world they are based. You'll have a full year to complete the training.

Some courses in our portfolio are made with AI-powered adaptive learning technology, a  technology capable of evaluating the student’s skills, knowledge, and confidence levels. The technology constantly assesses how the student responds to the material. That way, the student’s learning material becomes much more targeted since subjects are filtered out that do not require more attention, leaving more time to focus on weaker areas. 

Our personalized course therefore offer much more tailor-made learning experience compared to traditional e-learning. This enables students to achieve the desired goals faster and more efficiently.